Monday, April 14, 2014

Thai-style Fish Patties

I love fish patties, fish cakes, whatever you call them. I can't seem to get enough of them when dining at Thai restaurants. This recipe is a compilation of several recipes for Thai Fish Patties/Cakes that I viewed online.
The Chinese fish cake (raw fish pounded into a paste) is sold in Hawaii at Chinatown fish markets. Don Quixote and Times Market also sells it. I bought all of the ingredients from the former. Mixing the ingredients will take some time to make sure the curry paste is completely incorporated. I stirred the mixture clockwise for 20 minutes total (taking short breaks). The stirring also adds air into the mixture so the patties will be smooth and light.

1 lb Chinese Fish Cake 
1/2 to 1 TBS Mae Ploy Red Curry Paste (most recipes call for 1-2 TBS of paste but too much will make the patties too salty)
1/2 cup Long Beans, sliced to 1/8-1/4" pieces
1 stalk Green Onions, sliced fine
1-2 TBS Cilantro, sliced fine
2 Kaffir Lime Leaves (roll leaves together and mince very fine)
1-2 tsp Brown Sugar
1 Egg, lightly beaten
Canola Oil for frying

1. Mix together all ingredients except the oil.
2. Heat oil in a skillet. I used about an inch deep of oil.
3. Using a large spoon, gently add a scoop of the mixture into the hot oil, being very careful not to splash. If you want uniformly shaped patties, use a small ice cream scoop then press down lightly to flatten the scoop.
4. Turn patties over when the bottom gets brown. They will puff up during the frying process. (Turn down the heat if the oil gets too hot as the patties will cook quickly.)
5. Drain patties on paper towels. The patties will flatten and deflate once they cool. 

Serve with sweet chili sauce. 

From top going clockwise: Green Onion stalk, Long Beans (partially cut), Kaffir leaves, and Cilantro
Red Curry Paste
Raw mixture with all ingredients added
Finished product!

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